Our dedication to quality is evidenced by our achievement of multiple widely recognized industry certifications.

ISO 20000 and 27001 Certifications

SRI’s achievement of the ISO 20000 and 27001 certifications not only reflects our dedication to maintaining the highest standards in service management and information security, but also signifies our continued commitment to you, our valued customers and partners. What This Means for Us and You:

  • Enhanced Quality and Reliability: The ISO 20000 certification is a testament to our world-class IT service management. It ensures that our services meet your needs consistently while continuously improving. This means you can count on us for reliability, high quality, and efficient services tailored to your expectations.
  • Unwavering Data Security: With the ISO 27001 certification, we affirm our stance on protecting valuable information. This international standard recognizes our robust information security management practices, ensuring that your data is guarded against any threats and vulnerabilities with the utmost integrity and confidentiality.
SRI’s Promise to You:

These certifications are more than just accolades, they underscore SRI’s promise to deliver unparalleled service quality and to safeguard your information with the highest security measures. As we celebrate this achievement, we renew our commitment to you - to strive for excellence, to innovate responsibly, and to uphold the trust you place in us.

CMMI Level 3 Rating

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is a comprehensive set of Project Management best practices, Engineering best practices, Service Establishment and Delivery, Support best practices, and Process Management best practices whose maturity rating is based on a system of Level 1 through Level 5, with 5 being the highest level.

CMMI integrates bodies of knowledge when developing products and/or services, such as software engineering, systems engineering, service delivery and acquisition. By integrating these bodies of knowledge, CMMI provides a comprehensive solution for development and maintenance of products and services. CMMI is very detailed in its approach and implementation.

Depending on the model constellation (Development, Acquisition or Services), a service provider with a CMMI Maturity Level 5 rating maintains up to 24 Process Areas.

CMMI provides a long-term, strategic framework for performance improvement across the company and the services it provides.

In the financial service industry, for example CMMI has shown tremendous benefits:

  • 20% to 25% reduction in post implementation defects
  • Better performance from suppliers because requirements are better specified
  • Reduced efforts to support operational systems because they are more reliable

Proper CMMI implementation allows vendors to deliver the right service and/or product the first time around and every time requested.

View Certificate (.pdf Download)

ISO 9001:2015 Certification

ISO 9001 is an international standard in the ISO 9000 Series of Quality Standards that governs quality assurance and continuous quality improvement. SRI received its ISO Certification in July of 1999 with exceptional conformance to standards. SRI converted to ISO standards in an amazing record time of only six months - a remarkable accomplishment made possible by our overall dedication to quality and quality improvement processes. Many companies take as long as two years to complete the transition. Our success in earning ISO 9001 certification so rapidly, and maintaining it with no discrepancies clearly confirms that SRI holds to a consistent commitment to quality before and since earning the certification.

The value of an ISO-compliant Quality Management System is threefold:

Sector Value
  • Client Assures high quality services and deliverables in a documented, repeatable process.
  • SRI Provides a market discriminator as very few U.S. Firms, large or small are yet ISO 9001 certified and registered.
  • SRI Staff Improves management processes; allows for professional growth and development; fosters mobility in the workplace; enhances employee morale and productivity.

At SRI, we feel it is our duty to live up to our certification. Our clients reap the benefits of our efforts and our dedication to quality. The standard requires us to continuously develop, document, and defend our quality management systems.

Using an ISO-certified supplier means you can rest assured of their commitment to quality. Many American, European, and Asian companies and government agencies require their suppliers to be ISO 9001 certified prior to doing business with them. Using an ISO-compliant provider is your up-front guarantee of their exceptional dedication to the quality of goods and services they will provide to you. SRI gives you that guarantee.

View Certificate (.pdf Download)